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Essentials of Health and Diversity

Primary Goal: Understanding people and reducing disparities relying on information from American Public Health Association.

American Health and Diversity
What Every Citizen should know

Health Disparities

This country has been developing with politics driven by social influence. Since the Pandemic we believe policy and law will be centered more around the Health and Wellness of individuals i.e. communities.

The focus is reducing health disparities on a wider scale. Although the formation of health insurance has greatly improved patient outreach, we must understand that hospitals have benefited since.

The growth of hospitals has played a key in our advancement of healthcare technologies. The question is how can this be translated to communities directly?


-ology- prefix that refers to the study of

As a philosophical investigation of experience -- the philosophical investigation and description of conscious experience in all its varieties without reference to the question of whether what is experienced is objectively real.

The creation of health insurance has indirectly increased the price of treatment. Which put those who are not insured in a position not to receive treatment. This has led Hospitals to take the initiative with Medical Missions and communal help. The major issue with Medical Missions is that they do not solve the bigger-picture issues at hand. Medical Missions are a form of treatment that does not affect the direct policies that are affecting patients. Creating a culture of treatment when a health issue arises. Neglecting preventative health to communities that do not have insurance. If culture involves subjectivity and interpretation, it is very much about what people perceive, and Medical Missions do just that. Giving those of privilege to not concern themselves with the overall health of the Community.


Positivism: Theory that knowledge can be acquired through direct observation and experimentation, and not through metaphysics or theology

Empiricism: The Philosophical belief that all knowledge is derived from the experience of the senses


"The body is thus not simply an 'entity', but is experienced as a practical mode of coping with external sources and events"

- Urban anthropologist Anthony Giddens (in Modernity and self-identity: Self and society in the late Modern age, 1991)

When a patient or client arrives with neglected health concerns it is the lack of response from within the community. This poses a risk to those individuals, further increasing the health disparities between Insured and uninsured populations.


To prompt a question: What is the definition of an American?

It is in our liberty to help those in positions less fortunate than ours. American politics have been influenced by many factors. We as individuals are more fortunate to have the education to prevent health issues. The environment of an individual is less out of their control because of their position of power. Not having a voice that advocates on behalf of their experience is outrageous. To be American is to be an Advocate, let's simplify what it means to others.

"An ounce of application is worth a ton of abstraction." -Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

The Code of Ethics for Nurses is a great lead for those who want more understanding of the responsibilities we have as individuals.

- Editor JSMG 10191370


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